Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

Our mission is to destroy the effects of systemic injustice, which has purposefully plagued many communities and people groups, using nonviolent subversive measures to rewrite policies, procedures, and practices that will exemplify God's grace, justice, and mercy for all people.

Our mission is to transform all communities and people groups affected by systemic injustice that will lead to true change in the minds and hearts of individuals.

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by spreading His good news and teaching all to obey all that He has commanded.

The Vision

Our vision is to see the church coming together in unity, pursuing justice, correcting oppression, building community, and making disciples!

Our vision is to see statistical evidence of underserved communities thriving economically and socially within a system reshaped towards God’s justice, equity, and peace for all people.

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